ES Libraries Documentation

Online documentation:
What Sensor Data?
Collecting Sensor Data
Formatting Sensor Data
Store/Transfer Data
Project Github Page


The location sensor finds the latitude/longitude of the device. There are two sensors in the library for this: the pull Location sensor and the push Passive Location sensor.

This sensor requires either the 'access coarse location' or 'access fine location' permission. The JSON format for a sample from these sensors are:

	"senseStartTime":"14:04:14:087 30 06 2015 +0100 GMT+01:00",
			"local_time":"14:04:38:189 30 06 2015 +0100 GMT+01:00"
	"senseStartTime":"16:25:04:729 30 06 2015 +0100 GMT+01:00",